World Traveler, Artist, & Educator
Trinidad, California
Susan Mayclin Stephenson
Susan's New Art 1 Susan's New Art 2
Above are cropped images of a few paintings made since 2021, acrylics painted from dreams or inspiration that comes during the process of painting. Because of increased international Montessori work this art is no longer available online or in galleries, except an annual show in Trinidad, California in November and October. Some of these pieces are available internationally as prints, a new service where the artist receives a small commission when the art is accepted for the website. See more: available worldwide
Susan's traditional art

Since 1964, until recently I painted in oils and watercolor, mostly private commissions. Many of these pieces can be found on the covers of my books.

To the left are a few cropped images of some of these pieces. To see mores: Art

Available on Amazon, print or kindle, in many countries.

Available from the publisher: MichaelOlaf

Montessori Cosmic Education
"Grounded in experience, Susan Stephenson manages to convey the essence of one of Maria Montessori's fundamental principles—the interdependent nature of life and the very concrete steps to helping children express their natural tendency to lie well with others and take care of the planet. This book offers practical insights for parents and others interested in the Montessori approach."
—Lynne Lawrence, AMI Executive Director
This essential Montessori book has been, or is being, translated into Romanian, German, Chinese, Russian, Portuguese, and Ukrainian, French, and more translations expected: MONTESSORI COSMIC EDUCATION.
Susan's International Blog
Sign up to receive bi-monthly news of Montessori international, and books

Recognition of 50 years of work, by GWI, Graduate Women International: award
Susan's memories of work in the US, AMIUSA
: StoryCorps Interview PDF

Face book, Instagram: Susan Mayclin Stephenson

Details of just a taste of Susan's education experience with others

Books wholesale for schools, training centers, universities. Special birth-three items,and some unique items for ages 0-6s: MICHAEL OLAF STORE

There are many informative links on thIS page: THE MONTESSORI METHOD

For more information on Montessori schools, training centers, materials:

Susan’s first experience in the field of education was as a high school Latin tutor and counselor. After discovering Montessori in 1968 she earned AMI (Association Montessori Internationale) teaching diplomas for birth to 12 years of age, and worked as a Montessori teacher and school administrator. Susan has traveled in over 70 countries and shared Montessori ideas in more than half of them, lecturing in universities, for government education agencies, Suzuki music, education, and homeschooling conferences, and on Montessori teacher training courses. She has consulted in Montessori schools with teachers holding AMI and other Montessori diplomas, orphanages, schools for refugees and the poor, and schools with no Montessori materials. She is an international examiner and guest lecturer for AMI Montessori diploma courses, a musician, and an artist with degrees in philosophy, education, world religions; she studied multiple intelligences with Dr. Howard Gardner at The Harvard Graduate School of Education. 

For speaking and/or consultation information contact Susan by email: CONTACT PO Or Snail mail: Susan M Stephenson, Box 890, Trinidad, CA 95570, USA

This page was updated on August 5, 2024